It’s clear now that it’s the status quo vs the burn it all down folks. And as the burn it down folks are trying to burn harder, the status quos are quoing harder. Unless you have a plan, burning down institutions will only make things worse. Sadly, I don’t see anyone inspiring in Canadian Federal politics rights now.
Amazing analysis …when an animal reaches this stage of ill health the kind thing is to put out of their pain
In the US there are multiple groups forming to fight authoritarianism and safeguard democracy. Their rallying cry is "We're not giving up".
That's the way I feel.
It’s clear now that it’s the status quo vs the burn it all down folks. And as the burn it down folks are trying to burn harder, the status quos are quoing harder. Unless you have a plan, burning down institutions will only make things worse. Sadly, I don’t see anyone inspiring in Canadian Federal politics rights now.
What would PP do ?????
You spelled Pee Pee wrong